Wordpress SEO Friendly URL

How To Set Permalinks SEO Friendly In Wordpress

cmstuts - seo friendly permalinks

Exactly what are Permalinks throughout WordPress? The way to anyone adjust those to end up being Google search Friendly?

Once you've built your site visible to the world the next thing to do (or actually if at all possible prior to! ) is usually to change the permalink structure within WordPress.

Common WordPress URL Setting:
Permalink is short regarding Permanent Links and this is the typical URL like 
http://cms-tutor.blogspot.com/index. html – it is great and all that and search engines can find and index these pages along with the words used in the hyperlink which will have a bearing on search engine results displayed.

Out of the box WordPress will not confirm to this project, rather it takes the dynamic style URL which is indicated through a?, this is on account of nature of the backend which in turn supports dynamic driven web pages from databases and is a lot more like:

http: //www.example. com/? p=123
This will then change your URLs to:




My personal preference is to go with just /%postname%/
cmstuts-seo friendly wordpress post and page
How To change permalinks in WordPress
